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How To Succeed In A Group Interview

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Group interviews can be daunting, particularly for the more introverted character. The purpose of a group interview is twofold – firstly it allows the employer to economically screen many candidates in one sitting and secondly it is used to ascertain how well you interact with people, your ability to lead and influence others, how you react to a stressful situation and how you work on your own. This is often achieved by work place simulation with group exercises or discussion groups. It is often a full day or half day and can involve psychometric testing, and presentations depending on the company.


Preparation is paramount; you need to know the company inside out. Research beyond their website, look at their press releases, awards and examine current employees within the role you hope to procure on LinkedIn. See how you will make a good fit in the company and use this to your advantage. Here are 10 points to remember when doing a group interview:


  1. Greet and introduce yourself confidently and formally to the interviewers with a firm handshake, smile and maintain eye contact.
  2. Be friendly with other candidates and facilitate conversations to show you are a natural networker.
  3. Learn names and refer to people by name when addressing them.
  4. When in the group be assertive, without being aggressive, speak purposefully and specifically. Don’t interrupt other candidates speaking.
  5. If you are asked a question where someone else has already used your answer, give praise to the other candidate and add to their answer with your own unique knowledge. Where possible make reference to facts and figures which are memorable to the interviewers.
  6. Use the right body language. Appear open friendly and engaged – no arms crossed, slouching or shoulders at you ears. Maintain eye contact and sit forward.
  7. Listen actively to questions and comments and respond appropriately.
  8. Do not become too informal at any point no matter how friendly the situation appears to be.
  9. Be polite, respectful and courteous at all times.
  10. When you are leaving be sure to say goodbye and thank them for their time and the opportunity to interview.