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5 Things You Need To Do On LinkedIn Now!

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 LinkedIn, or should I say “a recruiter’s best friend”, is one of the best tools any jobseeker can avail of when looking for a new job. With millions of users new members signing up every second there is no denying LinkedIn is “the” professional network of choice. So have you signed up yet? And are you taking full advantage of its features?


Many LinkedIn users sign up, upload their CV, expecting the job offers to roll in and are then surprised when they don’t receive an email. LinkedIn has evolved from just being an online resume site to a comprehensive networking and personal branding site that you need to become more active on to fully avail of opportunities. Here are five things you can do right now to use LinkedIn more effectively.


1. Upload a profile picture

According to LinkedIn, people are eleven times more likely to view your profile if you have a profile picture. But before you get out your iPhone for a selfie or crop that photo from Saturday night, remember this is a professional network so best to use a simple professional headshot. If your company takes staff headshots, see if you can use this for your profile.


2. Make a statement with your headline

Your headline appears whenever your profile comes up in a search so it needs to be compelling to catch the eye of Hiring Managers and Recruiters. Make sure it is catchy and keyword rich so potential employers can find you in the first place but at the same time grab their attention. Include information about how you can help your connections, rather than simply stating your position.


3. Fill out your profile completely

I cannot stress enough how important it is to complete all sections of your profile particularly your summary, education and skills! A common mistake we see here at Sigmar is that jobseekers fill out their job titles and dates of employment but don’t provide detail on the roles they’ve had. This leaves us or other potential employers with no insight as to whether you have the relevant experience we are looking for. Filling out all sections will provide a compelling overview of who you are and increase your chances of being approached directly by employers.


4. Add media

Make your profile more visual and engaging by adding media. You can add photos, videos, documents, presentations and links to make your profile stand out more. If you’re a graphic designer, upload a portfolio of your work. If you write a blog upload a link to direct people to where it is online. If you’ve spoken at conferences, upload videos/mp3s of your speeches. If you’re a Sales Representative, upload a presentation covering what you can provide clients. The possibilities are endless.

To add these, click Edit Profile from the menu at the top. Under your Summary, Experience, and Education profile sections is an icon: a square with a (+) symbol. Click this button to upload a file or add a link to something you want to share.


5. Share updates

The less frequently you update, the more your profile will look stale and inactive. Set a goal to share/like/comment one item a week. Share industry news and tips or engage with industry conversation to present yourself as a thought leader in your field.

LinkedIn has become one of the best content sharing sites around, so by using it actively not only will you be presenting yourself as a thought-leader but you will be staying on top of what’s happening in your industry right now.


So what are you waiting for? Get updating now and see yourself on the road to a new job in no time!