Account Manager

In this role the responsibilities focus on keeping the existing client base satisfied with the level of service provided. In different industries the title can fluctuate, it could be a Key Account Manager or a Customer Success Manager for example. Typically involves looking after a core base of accounts and ensuring they are looked after, aware of products and services coming on stream and are going to keep their business with the company you represent. Salaries tend to be weighted towards the basic with a 60/40 or 70/30 split common.


Dublin is the capital city of Ireland with a population of nearly 1.7 million. The Irish capital is a blend of Victorian pubs, rows of elegant Georgian town houses, and glittering modern buildings. Dublin is widely regarded as one of the most youthful cities in Europe – it is estimated that about 50 percent of its residents are under the age of 25. Thus, the city boasts a vibrant nightlife, and live music can often be enjoyed in the streets of Dublin's entertainment districts.